Medium Density Apartments Sydney

A Government Housing Project in Sydney that challenges the traditional government & affordable housing type. 



C4 Architects have continuously worked on multi residential Government, Social, Community, Seniors, Disabled and Aboriginal Housing Projects within the practice.

The houses and site layouts have been developed with the following issues at the forefront:

  • Provide high quality sustainable medium density housing
  • ‘Thin’ plans to allow maximum light, winter sun, and natural ventilation to minimize heating and cooling costs and to allow maximum amenity for all rooms in the house
  • allowing for maximum environmental benefit using best practice environmental design principles
  • Incorporating good community housing design principles
  • maximizing yield on site
  • Allowing for ‘universal’ disabled access for ground floor dwelling types
  • Streetscape variety and appeal
  • Allowance in each design for different materials and roof types to provide variety and complement the streetscapes.

C4 Architects have continuously worked on affordable housing projects for Government, Social, Community, Seniors, Disabled and Aboriginal Housing clients. Projects have ranged from one-off homes on greenfield sites, to significant multi-residential urban consolidation developments across New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.